
Monday, December 5, 2011

The best from the past

I remember those childhood days, sleeping in late, hair all in knots,you being the smallest one instead of the tallest one, getting big, delicious ice cream cones and go to a park; where the slide is full of cement. These days bring me back to times of innocence, imagination, and wonder all around me. Wherever your dreams inspire you to go, take yourself with it. These days bring me back to not making sense of the world, with all the older and wiser people in it. It brings me back to days of watching TV, my favorite show Arthur everyday at 4:30 even though I couldn't tell the time.

 It brings me back from checking out the '80's show Ramona from the Dublin library, where they had all of the bright and cold bean bags, where my siblings and I would just relax and read on. People would think I looked like Ramona, with my short hair cut and bangs and mannerisms that to some seemed like a spitting image.
These days of playing house, writing short stories in the summer, and playing with barbies and knowing the names of all of them by writing the name on their ankle, bring me back to the seasons of playing and learning continuously; where there were no worries, and all you had to worry about was if you were going to remain champion of teather ball the next day at school. These were truly the best from the past, where summer was a time of play, and  consisted of summer reading programs, and the swim team and sleeping late. Though these times have changed, I think about what will come of the future, and what fruits of passion and inspiration will take its toll as time moves forward and one grows up.

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