
Monday, February 27, 2012

Spin me back to Swing

This past weekend I went to Sacramento to visit my sister with my parents. On Saturday there was a Mass for married couples to renew their wedding vows, so my Mom and Dad renewed theirs. It was really special to see my parents holding hands and looking at each other. I saw my mom crying during the vows, so it was really touching. And on Friday my sister invited us to Swing Dance. Every Friday at this place they hold a swing dancing event in this big hall, in which you have to go up the long staircase to get to the dance floor. When I walked in, I felt like I was in a movie. A real live band was playing swing music, with everyone swing dancing to it. It brought back memories from middle school swing dancing days, since I basically haven't swing danced since then. 7th grade was when I participated in the swing dance competition with a friend at my middle school. 

Being asked to dance, and doing all the moves brought my mind back to when I was 13, and wearing a polka dot 50's skirt that would twirl as fast as a merry go round. And I was surprised to see people around my age enjoying themselves and really getting into it with the feeling of the live music and the atmosphere almost like going back in time. Girls were all dressed up nicely in flowy skirts and dresses and guys wore hats and nice slacks and buttoned down shirts. It brought this kind of fun and dancing back to life. It vaguely reminded me of the movie Anastasia , where all the ghosts in lavish gowns with their dance partners float out of the ballroom windows. The extravagance of it all made the time go by so quickly, though we were there for four in a half hours. And after 6 years I felt that I didn't do so bad. My sister Meghan and I had a good time, and even danced together when waiting for someone to ask us to dance took longer than expected, so we were brave enough to swing in the middle of the dance floor. Though one of us had to dance the boy part. 

Overall, it was a wonderful and unforgettable weekend visiting my sister and experiencing swing dancing once again. Dancing with strangers wasn't so bad , and considering that all of them were very good and brought the swing back to life with their exuberant non two left feet. I must say I would love to go again and be brought back to the decade of the '50's.


  1. Colleen,

    I loved reading all the writing on your blog!!! Great writing and memories!!

    Mom Keep up the creative writing!

  2. <3 I love this!!
