
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Wie Geht's?

This is one of the words I know in German so far,wie geht's? It mean how are you. You can also say wie geht's ist dir or wie geht's es ihnen for the formal way. Almost every morning when I wake up and come downstairs I say to my mom and or sister, wie gehts? They didn't know what I was saying. They were like what does that mean? But each time I said it either throughout the day or in the morning my Mom would say oh not wie gehts. Enough of this wie gehts stuff. lol And I was like, I'm just asking you how are you doing! But I guess after hearing it so often, it seems that that is the only German word I know. Well that just isn't true.

Hallo = hello. Guten Tag= good day. Enchulagung Sie = excuse me (formal). Spricht du Englisch? =do you speak Enlgish. Ja= yes. Es geht mir gut=it's going well. Gunz gut=ok. na ja= alright. nein= no. Est tut mir leit=I am sorry. Guten Morgen= good morning. Guten Abrent =Good Evening. Guten Nicht=Good Night. Mein Name ist= my name is. Tschüss=bye.

Well these are just some of the vocab and phrases I have learned so far. It's a different language in that it is somewhat hard to pronounce at first and remembering how to pronounce certain letters only parts of the time takes some getting use to. It's a harsher language than most, but I still like it and want to continue learning it.



  1. Ich mag alle das hier. Mir geht ist gut dankeschön. Bis bald!

  2. Was für ein toller Beitrag! Und inspirierend und informativ, ich liebte es. Guten Tag!
