
Saturday, November 26, 2011

Snail Mail

Letter writing has been one of my hobbies for a while. I know there are some people who either don't like writing letters or just don not really care about it, but I think those who don't write, love getting mail anyway. I mean who doesn't? It might be hard for them to write back, to find the time, or  they just  feel it's too much effort to give a response back, yet they love the thought of someone caring for them in the long run. Since it's the thought that counts. 

I don't blame those who love getting snail mail, just yesterday I got a letter from my friend, and it was so nice to come home to after a long day at work. It's also just as nice, but I think it's even better when someone you write to,  is thankful for your letter because it made their day. That happened to me recently also, my friend who is in Ireland now just received my letter a few days ago. Making some else's day makes you feel good, and though they might not respond back, knowing that you made their day that much better is enough in my book.

So if you're much of  a letter writer, or just love receiving snail mail, then 'tis the season to send out some holiday cards , Christmas/Advent cards to all your friends and perhaps acquaintentces. For nobody can turn down a sweet card that is beautifully written with the Virgin Mary carrying Jesus, or a jolly pink- cheeked Santa Claus, or a glowing white-blue snow man. By doing so, you could make two people happy, including yourself for being so giving during this Holiday season. 

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