
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Saying hello to something that will happen

As the semester comes to a close, I think back to what I have learned. This semester I took 4 classes which adds up to 14 units. I have to say that I have enjoyed my English class the most out of all of the classes I have taken. Maybe it's because I am an English major. I have to say that the class I disliked the most is Astronomy. In all honesty, I thought it was going to be very cool and interesting to learn about the planets and the stars. However, I felt like I didn't learn a lot. I still think Astronomy is somewhat interesting, and I love looking up at the night sky but learning about the distances from other planets and other mathematical equations that are hard to picture in my head, I do not find interesting.

However, I feel like for this semester I have learned that you need to break out of your shell and try some new things. For example, I decided to join student government, and become a senator for my school. I would have never though that I would join student government. But one of my friends convinced me to do it. I figured that I might as well try it out, meet more people, get involved, have fun, learn new things and it is something that looks good for schools. 

Looking ahead to the Fall Semester and wondering what will come of it, makes me think back to when I got new shoes at the beginning of this semester, and how with the new semester and the new shoes that I would break into, and everything that I would experience. Well those shoes haven't been worn since March, but soon again they will be worn and walked in. As for now, sandals have been my shoe for everyday, in which the summer sun has drawn a tan line on my feet. 

Good bye Spring Semester and Hello Summer.  

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